MTSP for Puma's safety shoes

A project that had petrol flowing through our veins. We were able to create a 3D animation for Puma's safety shoe for Vogelsänger GmbH. A unique opportunity to present the features and the shoe in the most exciting way possible. The focus was on motorsport, as the safety shoe itself was developed for that sector. For this project, it was particularly important that we utilized our entire 3D repertoire. Starting with the animatics, the 3D scan, the modeling, camera animation, materiality, and the visual effects of the animation itself. A good workflow between Vogelsänger and grundform was essential in order to make the skills as efficient as possible. We were able to enjoy great support in the areas of 3D, post-production and editing. The team at Voglesänger did a remarkable job here. It was a particular pleasure for us to be involved in this project.



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